The 21 Days Bloom Challenge - #21daysBLOOMchallenge

This is not my best photo, but here I am, first thing in the morning, without filters or makeup and a bottle in my hand. 

Young Living launched this month the #21daysBLOOMchallenge - take one bottle of Bloom collagen a day for 21 consecutive days, and I accepted the challenge. 

BLOOM Collagen Complete has been one of Young Living's best-selling products since its launch because it works like magic on our skin, and I'm going to embrace the challenge and certify its effectiveness.

This collagen drink helps revitalize and rejuvenate the skin because one of the factors leading to aging is collagen loss. Collagen is a fibrous protein and represents about 35% of the total proteins in our body. In the skin, these proteins are formed mainly by type I collagen (85%) and are responsible for keeping the skin moisturized, elastic, and resistant. It is the glue that holds all the structures in our body together.

Unfortunately, as we age, we lose part of our collagen, which is when the signs of aging appear too! By the time we reach the 40s, we lose about 30%, and by the age of 50, half of the amount of collagen we have in our body is gone, affecting our skin, nails, and hair. 

Bloom Collagen Complete from Young Living helps replenish and nourish our body's collagen. Each 50ml bottle has about 10,000mg of hydrolyzed liquid marine collagen Peptan of fast absorption. Besides, it contains powerful antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help fight aging (goji berry extract, CoQ10, Jasmine green tea extract, Vitamin E, B2, B6, among others). It does not contain sugar; it's free of preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors.

I will be updating this post throughout these 21 days. 

Esta não é a minha melhor fotografia, mas aqui estou eu, logo pela manhã, sem filtros ou maquilhagem e com um frasco na mão.
A Young Living lançou este mês o #21daysBLOOMchallenge - tomar um frasco de Bloom collagen por dia durante 21 dias consecutivos, e eu aceitei o desafio. 

O BLOOM Collagen Complete tem sido um dos produtos da Young Living mais vendidos desde o seu lançamento porque faz magia na nossa pele, e vou aproveitar o desafio para certificar a sua eficácia.

Esta é uma bebida de colagéno que ajuda a revitalizar e a rejuvenescer a pele, porque um dos factores que leva ao envelhecimento é a perda dele.  O colagénio é uma proteína fibrosa e representa cerca de 35% do total de proteínas no nosso corpo. Na pele, essas proteínas são formadas principalmente pelo colágeno tipo I (85%) e são responsáveis por manter a pele hidratada, elástica e resistente. É a cola que mantém toda a estrutura no nosso corpo ligada.

Infelizmente a partir dos 20 anos de idade começamos a perder diariamente parte do colagéneo e é nessa altura que os sinais de envelhecimento também surgem! Quando chegamos aos 40s perdemos cerca de 30% e aos 50 anos, metade da quantidade de colagéneo que temos no corpo, desaparece, e afecta não só a pele como também as unhas e o cabelo.
O Bloom Collagen Complete da Young Living, ajuda a repôr e a nutrir o colagéneo do nosso corpo. Cada frasquinho de 50ml tem cerca de. 10,000mg de Peptan de colágeno marinho líquido hidrolisado de rápida e fácil absorção. Contém igualmente poderosos antioxidantes, vitaminas e minerais que ajudam a combater o envelhecimento (o extracto de bagas goji, CoQ10, o extracto de chá verde de Jasmim, a Vitamina E, B2, B6 entre outros). Não contém açúcar, livre de conservantes, corantes e sabores artificiais.

Irei fazendo actualizações ao longo desses 21 dias.

4 Natural Products with Thieves Household Cleaner | 4 Produtos de limpeza naturais com Thieves

I'm sharing this video to show you why I love Thieves Household Cleaner so much. I started to pay more attention to what I use at home and on the body a few years ago when my son and I were beginning to have skin issues. I learned that cleaning products we get commercially are harmful to us, even those labelled "natural" may contain hidden ingredients that can cause a wide variety of serious health problems.

So I started to make my own personal care and cleaning products with basic and natural ingredients with Thieves Household Cleaner.

Since I started the change, my eyes no longer weep, I don't have to cover my nose or my mouth because I don't feel like coughing when inhaling the cleaning products, they are not harsh to my hands, and my clothes won't get stained anymore.

Thieves Household Cleaner is concentrated, chemical-free and plant-based. It's safe for my whole family, including our cats.The best thing is that I no longer have to buy 10 different cleaning products AND dispose of an enormous amount of plastic containers every month. I love that it's sustainable and environmentally friendly. I use the same container over and over again, and refill them when I need it. 🌿🌎

Seriously, it's so easy and cheap to make our cleaning products. 

Stop cluttering your space with countless cleaning items! 🌿 Embrace the magic of ONE powerhouse cleaner that transforms into over 20 different products, each costing less than $2 (HK16). Today, we'll explore how to create four essential cleaners: an all-purpose cleaner, yoga mat spray, glass and mirror spray, and a potent cleaning scrub. 

Partilho este vídeo para vos mostrar o quanto gosto do Thieves Household Cleaner. Há uns anos comecei a prestar mais atenção ao que uso em casa e no corpo, quando o meu filho e eu começámos a ter erupções cutâneas. Aprendi que os produtos de limpeza que compramos comercialmente são nocivos, mesmo aqueles indicados como "naturais" que podem conter ingredientes escondidos e que afectam a nossa saúde.

Assim, comecei a fazer quase todos os produtos de higiene e de limpeza que usamos em casa, com alguns ingredientes básicos e naturais com o Thieves Household Cleaner.

Desde que comecei a mudança, deixei de tossir e de sentir ardor nos olhos ou nas mãos quando faço as limpezas da casa, nem as roupas ficam manchadas.

O Thieves é concentrado, sem químicos e à base de plantas. É seguro para toda a minha família, incluindo os nossos gatos. Para mim, a melhor parte é que deixei de comprar 10 produtos de limpeza diferentes e de deitar fora uma enorme quantidade de recipientes de plástico todos os meses. Adoro o facto de ser uma solução sustentável e amigo do ambiente. Uso o mesmo recipiente vezes sem conta, e volto a enchê-los quando preciso. 🌿🌎

É tão fácil e barato fazer os nossos produtos de limpeza, como podem ver no vídeo. Deixem de encher a casa com inúmeros artigos de limpeza! Abracem a magia de UM único produto de limpeza poderoso que se transforma em mais de 20 produtos diferentes, cada um que nos vai custar menos de $2 (HK16). E hoje, vamos descobrir como criar quatro produtos de limpeza: um produto de limpeza multiusos, um spray para tapetes de ioga, um spray para vidros e espelhos e o CIF de limpeza. 

All-Purpose Cleaner
250ml Water
Fill the 200ml Spray Bottle with the mixture and reserve the rest 

Spray multi-usos
250ml Água
Encher um frasco de spray de vidro com 200ml de capacidade com a mistura e reservar o resto

Yoga Mat / Small Surfaces Spray 
Empty Bloom Collagen Bottle Repurposed 
1 Sprayer Fitment for Bloom Bottles
1 Capful Thieves Household Cleaner
Encher o resto com água

Spray de Tapete de Yoga / Pequenas superfícies  
Frasco vazio Bloom Collagen Bottle reutilizado
1 Sprayer Fitment para os frascos de colagéneo Bloom
1 Tampa com Thieves Multiusos
Top up with Water

Deep Cleaning Scrub
3 TBSP Baking Soda
1 tsp white vinegar
Create thick-paste with the mixture

3 Colheres de sopa de Bicarbonato de Sódio 
1 colher de chá de vinagre branco 
Misturar até ficar uma pasta

Floor Cleaner
• 1 Lt empty glass bottle
• 2 cups (480ml) Distilled water
• 1 cup (240ml) Liquid Dr. Bronners Castile Soap
• 5 Capful Thieves Household Cleaner and 20 drops of Citrus Fresh

Limpeza de Chão
• Garrafa de vidro de 1 litro
• 480ml Água
• 240ml Sabão de Castela líquida
• 5 tampas de Thieves Household Cleaner 20 gotas do óleo essencial Citrus Fresh

Thieves Foaming Hand Soap
250 ml Foaming pump bottle
1/3 Dr. BronnersLiquid Castile Soap
1 tsp 
V-6 / Sweet Almond Oil
2 capsules / 1/4 tsp Vitamin E
1 TBSP Aloe Vera
½ capful of Thieves Household Cleaner
10 drops of your favourite essential oil, I used Citrus Fresh 
Combine first the oils and essential oils, then add the Thieves Household cleaner and aloe vera, then the Castile Soap, blend all well.
Top up with water.

Espuma para as mãos Thieves
250 ml Frasco com bomba para espuma
1/3 Sabão de Castela líquida Dr. Bronners
1 colher de chá 
V-6 / Óleo de Amêndoas doces
2 Cápsulas / 1/4 colher de chá de óleo de Vitamina E 
1 Colher de sopa de  Aloe Vera
½ Tampa de Thieves Household Cleaner
10 gotas de óleo essencial, nesta receita usei Citrus Fresh 

Comece por misturar os óleos e os óleos essenciais, adicionar o Thieves Household Cleaner e o aloe vera, e por fim o sabão de castela. Misturar bem e adicionar a água.

#thieves Household Cleaner #natural cleaner #DIY natural products

Wishing you an essential Christmas | Essências Natalícias

I've always found Essential oils fascinating but never fully understood how they work. When I first heard about their benefits, I immediately wanted to find more, and delved into a whole new world.
My adventure took off in June 2016, when I got my Young Living Premium Starter Kit. And now I am excited to share with you how powerful, and how well the oils work in our bodies, just like food nutrients do. Although it may sound like a super trendy topic, people have been using essential oils for thousands of years! For instance, they were used in ancient Egypt, and they are also mentioned in the Bible.
But the oils journey may be overwhelming at first, and we seldom feel fully prepared to take the step. The first decision I had to make was where I was going to get the oils. Although there are so many places where we can buy essential oils, those by the Young Living stood out. Essential oils sold in most health food stores are fragranced oils, and while they might smell good, they don't offer the same therapeutic and medicinal benefits. Some may have an essential oil base but most probably contain additives, fillers, and synthetics to increase volume or fragrance, whereas, pure essential oils contain nothing more, nothing less than all the required therapeutic compounds. 
Young Living is a trusted source and a pioneer in taking the use of therapeutic oils to homes. Millions of people around the globe have discovered the benefits of these amazing oils, and I immediately fell for the support and the community that I found when I started my new adventure with Young Living.
Christmas Spirit Foaming Hand soap
I am more than happy to guide you in your journey and help you to learn more. It’s been the best decision I made in the last few years, and I haven't regretted once, as I could write a long list of "whys" and how this company changes lives. 
This month until the end of the year, there is something special for anyone signing up with a Premium Starter kit before December 31, 2019 with me!

Signing up with a Premium Starter Kit this month, not only will you get 11 essential oils + 1 diffuser + lots of other accessories, but you will also receive:
• 24% off on all products
• A FREE Christmas Spirit Foaming Hand soap
• A FREE The Reference Guide for Essential Oils APP in your Mobile phone if enroll in Essential Rewards program at the same time.
Contact me if you want to learn more about this. Merry Christmas!
Os óleos essenciais sempre me fascinaram, embora até há uns anos não tivesse compreendido completamente como funcionavam. Ouvia falar nos seus benefícios e sempre procurei saber mais antes de me dedicar a esse mundo novo.
Em Junho de 2016, dei início à minha aventura com o kit de iniciação Premium da Young Living e é com entusiasmo que agora o partilho consigo! Os óleos essenciais são potentes e actuam no nosso organismo da mesma maneira que os nutrientes dos alimentos.
Embora seja um tema muito na moda hoje em dia, o uso dos óleos essenciais remonta há milhares de anos! Os Egípcios utilizavam-nos para fins medicinais. Há também diversas referências na Bíblia. 
Mas a inciação à Aromaterapia pode ser um processo confuso, para o qual raramente nos sentimos totalmente preparados. A primeira decisão que tive de tomar foi, onde arranjar os óleos. Há diversos sítios onde podemos adquiri-los, mas os da Young Living acabaram por se destacar. Embora cheirem bem, os óleos essenciais que encontramos na maioria das lojas não oferecem qualquer benefício terapêutico. Alguns poderão até conter uma base de óleo essencial, mas misturada com aditivos e produtos sintécticos para aumentar o volume ou o aroma. Por seu lado, os óleos essenciais puros contêm todos os componentes terapêuticos e nada mais. 
Para além do fascínio que me causou a forma de levar óleos essenciais a todo o mundo, divulgando de forma inovadora os benefícios destes maravilhosos óleos em milhões de casas, esta nova aventura deixou-me rendida ao apoio e à oportunidade de poder fazer parte de uma comunidade como a Young Living.

Terei todo o gosto em guiá-lo no seu novo percurso, desvendando e ajudando a saber mais, uma vez que essa foi a melhor decisão que tomei nos últimos anos e não me arrependi nem uma única vez. Poderia escrever aqui uma longa lista dos “porquês” e de como esta empresa muda vidas.
Este mês, até ao final do ano, tenho algo especial para quem decidir começar com um Kit de iniciação Premium até ao dia 31 de Dezembro comigo!

Espuma para as mãos Christmas Spirit
Inscrevendo-se como membro, para além do Kit de iniciação, levará consigo uma caixa com 11 óleos essenciais, um difusor, e outros acessórios. Desfrutará ainda de:

• 24% de desconto em todas as suas compras futuras.
• Uma garrafa de espuma para as mãos Christmas Spirit 
• Oferta de uma aplicação no telemóvel (em inglês) - The Reference Guide for Essential Oils para os que se inscreverem também no programa de ponto Essential Rewards.
Contacte-me se quiser saber mais. Boas festas! 


We've made it to Silver Retreat

We've made it to Silver Retreat
When I first become a Young Living Member, I was so excited by all the oils, the scents, benefits and properties, little did I knew that one day, I would be invited to one of their retreats. 

A few years later, there I was, with a friend from my team,  and as well as 2200 members from other parts of the world joining the same event in Salt Lake City, Utah. 
So grateful to be part of this celebration and meet so many amazing people. Attending panels with incredible speakers, seeing the beautiful Young Living farm, and making friends with crossline members. We learnt so much in just a few days.

Sharing some moments of our experience.  
Macau --> Hong Kong --> San Francisco --> Utah --> San Francisco --> Hong Kong --> Macau

First stop - San Francisco

We missed the connecting flight from San Francisco to Utah, so it was a good opportunity to visit a new city!

8 Hours under this beautiful blue sky and hot weather!

Behind us, sea lions chilling.
Day 1 - Welcome dinner - Utah
Day 2 - Registration & Product Expo

In love with the Nature's Ultra CBD line, so powerful, no wonder everyone is talking about it. I will write a post about my experience with some of these products soon. They totally blew my mind!

Gala Dinner

The Young Living Foundation -  D. Gary Young started the Foundation in 2009. The main focus is to carry out social solidarity projects in countries such as Uganda, Nepal, Cambodia, Equador, where people receive far too little attention and empower individuals to positively affect their families and communities for years to come. Everyone can get involved in many ways, those who are Young Living members can round up their orders.
Day 3 - Farm Day
Whispering Springs Farm—Mona, Utah, USA

I honestly feel privileged to have had the opportunity to visit the farm. The Mona lavender fields and farm span nearly 1,600 acres, and the location is home to one of the largest privately-owned essential oil distilleries in the world. Isn't that beautiful?

We were able to have a first-hand experience of Seed to Seal, excellence is the heart of Young Living’s industry. Young Living farms stand apart in the essential oil industry and set the standard for Seed to Seal (planting, growing, harvesting, distilling) to ensure we receive the best quality essential oils in our home.
Farm Fairies paid a visit to our rooms. Everyone got a bottle of Juniper Essential oil
Day 4 - Training Sessions
Education is the key to success!
We learnt so much in just a few days. 
A Healthy Farewell Party
Instead of alcohol, drink Ningxia!

Visiting the Young Living Farm soon

In a few days, I will be in Salt Lake City Utah, visiting the Young Living Farm and I will be able to have a first-hand experience of Seed to Seal, that is at the heart of Young Living’s industry excellence. 

This farm grows botanicals such as lavender, peppermint, clary sage, and others for distillation into their pure essential oils that you are all familiar with.  

It will be a 4 days visit, with hundreds of other YL members from all around the world, such as Malaysia, Equador, Mexico, Australia, Singapore, Hong-Kong, etc all-expenses-paid trip to Young Living headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah.

This will be the annual Young Living Silver Retreat 2019 event, open to all YL members, all, including you!! It’s a recognition and training event for those who have achieved the rank of Silver. 

I am proud to have helped hundreds of families bring essential oils and other Young Living products into their homes to help them live healthier lives. I am truly grateful for this opportunity, I’ve never thought I would ever be able to achieve it, all I did was share my enthusiasm and excitement for the oils. You know how much I love Peppermint essential oil and have said it a thousand times.  It was my life saviour for my work as a Pole instructor, for some of my students and myself.
Then the amazing blends and single oils, that I use for relaxing muscles, sleeping better, emotional balance, relaxation, concentration etc., Thieves household cleaner smells like Christmas and leaves my home clean and fresh without any yucky chemicals; it is safe for my family and my cats. The list goes on. In the last couple of years, not only we are now living in a much healthier and cleaner environment, but I now find myself packing for my trip to Utah. So excited! 

If I could make it to Silver, any of you can too. Keep using and sharing, the oils speak for themselves, they are amazing, all you have to do is use them. They are the purest form of the plant, they contain constituents that are very powerful and able to provide rapid benefits!!

Before you reach for personal care products at the supermarket or pharmacy, why not try a healthier and more natural alternative first. 

New to essential oils?
If you would like to know more about essential oils, feel free to contact me.

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